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Archive for the 'Atari 8-bit' category

Getaway! Hack

January 14, 2025

There are a few go-to games for the Atari 800 that I play frequently. One of them is a cops and robbers game called Getaway! Without getting into too much detail around the game play, you play the robber who canvases the city looking for treasure to steal and unmarked white vans to hi-jack and loot. The cops are roaming the city, essentially randomly, until you perform a specific action or a game play event takes place. One such action is robbing the white van, and an event could be the game transitioning to dusk or night fall. Once that happens, the cops immediately seek you out and give chase. As your score gets larger, they also become more suspicious and start chasing you sooner.

I find that the game gets considerably more difficult around 7000 points and I have yet to break the 8000 point barrier as of this writing.

As you progress through the game, there are different treasures that appear, giving different point values when you collect them. I wanted to know how many treasures there were in the game and what happens as you get to higher scores. Also, I have often thought that the game would be fun for young ids, if the police did not act so aggressively. They would have a blast driving around and collecting the treasure. Note that the game isn’t fun for an adult when this change is made, but a four year old would probably love it. If you find the modified game entertaining, you may not want to post that in the comments.

The author of the game, Mark Reid, released the source code to the game in 2017 on Github. It is written in assembly language but some of the basics can be puzzled out if you are familiar with a few core instructions. Like many computers of the era, the system is driven by a 6502 processor. Unlike many systems, it is clocked at a higher frequency than many of its competitors, running at a blazing 1.79 MHz for NTSC systems.

At any rate, I wanted to modify the game so that the cops would always remain in their random, passive state. The code refers to this state as “dumb” and the opposite behaviour as “smart.” To change it, just modify this piece of code:

COP031 CPX #4         ;Van is dumb
       BCS DUMB
       CMP SKILL      ; COPs smart
       BCC SMART

To this:

COP031 CPX #4         ;Van is dumb
       BCS DUMB
       CMP SKILL      ; COPs dumb
       BCC DUMB

Assemble the code. I think I needed to fix a few issues first, such as disabling debug mode which is found at the top of the module. If you leave the debug mode set to ‘2’, it will produce a weird looking map by default.

; compilation flags
DEBUG = 0 ; nonzero includes debugging code & sets debug map

There may also have been a few include paths that needed to be changed as well. At any rate, once those changes are done the assembler will produce a “getaway.exe” file. It is not a Windows executable file so don’t try and run it; just rename it to “getaway.xex” since that seems to be the format. I copied the file to my Lotharek drive and played it on the Atari, you could also choose to fire it up in an emulator.

64 KBs Should Be Enough for Anyone

November 2, 2011

Montezuma's RevengeIf you’ve tried playing a few games on an actual Atari 800 XL computer, or through APE or AspeQt and you end up with garbage on your screen, or perhaps the game or application is behaving weirdly, try disabling the BASIC ROM from creeping into the Atari’s address space. By default, the Atari will copy BASIC from ROM into RAM, which in turn will consume a certain amount of memory (around 8 KB), which is located at the address $A000 and runs until $BFFF. The Atari doesn’t have memory protection mechanisms; if a program overwrites that location, the OS will not tell you about it.

If the program you are trying to load uses most of the Atari’s 64 KB of memory, then will get memory overwrites at certain address locations. This in turn will likely cause corruption of the program and may lead to crashes, asset corruption, and other oddities. To prevent BASIC from being copied into RAM, press and hold the OPTION key during the boot process.


September 17, 2007

VisiCALC on the AtariI was exposed to this piece of software at about the same time I was learning how to send graphical data to our printer. I didn’t really appreciate the complexity of this software until much later. My father was the one who was the real expert, but I also fired it up to help with my homework and to calculate some values I needed for a few of the games I was writing. It was the first time I had ever seen a spread sheet program, even though it appeared on the Apple II a couple of years earlier. Financially, the program was a boon for Apple and almost single-handedly lead to the mass adoption of the system. Financially, I’m not sure how it fared on the Atari since it took the company about a year to port it to other systems, but it’s common to see systems for sale on eBay which are being sold with a few games, miscellaneous pieces of software, and VisiCALC.This spread sheet software introduced me to a world where software can be used for something other than playing games. Although, let’s face it, they’re not as much fun or practical these days. I think I absorbed that idea pretty well for a boy who hadn’t quite entered his teenage years. I started to think about how I could write programs for my father which would help him with his financial chores. I don’t think I produced anything terribly useful, but I did write a few small calculator programs which could do a few interesting calculations involving trigonometry and simple algebra. I hadn’t yet discovered decimal encoding techniques like Binary Coded Decimal (BCD), but I eventually learned that Atari used BCD routines in its library implementation which BASIC used extensively. VisiCALC was able to handle floating point values efficiently because it was written in assembly language and the 6502 processor has floating point instructions available. The programmers used these instructions directly instead of using Atari’s library, which had a very positive impact on performance.

For more information on the development of VisiCALC, there are a couple of sources on the Internet available including one from the creators themselves.

Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory

September 12, 2007

Mr. RobotThis is a perfect game to play after a hard days work at the office. It’s perfect because the objective couldn’t be easier to remember: collect all of the white pellets in every level. Naturally, collecting these pellets isn’t as easy as collecting rocks. There are plenty of obstacles in your way like daring jumps, touchy explosives, attractive magnets, and small angry balls of fire. To further enhance your experience, each level is timed so you can’t allow yourself to be distracted by screaming kids, nagging spouses, or government taxes. On second thought, it may not be wise to ignore the second one.

If you’re one of the few skilled players who manage to complete the game – I finished it a couple of years ago (after years of “training”) – you can supplement your addiction with the Robot Factory. Only through the factory can your dreams of monolithic, white pellet construction be realized. Remember to save your construction and post it on the Internet; don’t forget to add a comment here telling us where we can find it.

I would recommend playing it on the Atari 800 XL. It has much more vibrant graphics than the Commodore 64 version and the sound is pretty much the same.

Atari 8-bit Computers

Atari 800 XLThe first Atari 8-bit computers to arrive on the scene in 1979 were codenamed Candy and Colleen, referring to the Atari 400 and 800 respectively. The latter was rumored to be named after an attractive female staff member (she undoubtedly had curly brown hair and lovely chocolate eyes, just like my wife). The Atari 400 was marketed as a gaming system, while its more expensive cousin was seen as a personal computer. The Atari 400 featured a membrance keyboard, which was eventually replaced by a proper keyboard starting with the Atari 800. Much of the “guts” for the 8-bit computer line came from Cyan, the engineering team responsible for the Atari 2600. In a couple of years, they produced three processors for the new computer models: CTIA, POKEY, and ANTIC.

CTIA is an acronyn for Color Television Interface Adapter and was the successor to the TIA chip used in the Atari 2600. It was reponsible for translating the information produced by the ANTIC chip into signals the television could understand. In later machines, Atari replaced the CTIA chip with the GTIA chip which had much more functionality. In addition to the DAC (digital-to-analog converter), the GTIA controls sprites, collision detection, priority control and color-luminance (brightness) to all objects including display lists from the ANTIC processor. Along with all that extra functionality, some GTIA versions made for the European market were buggy due to a PAL processing error.

The ANTIC processor was reponsible for interpreting display lists, which were instructions on how each scan line was to be displayed, line locations, interrupts, scrolling, and indicating where to find resources such as graphics or character sets.

POKEY was responsible for reading the keyboard, generating sound and serial communications. It also provided timers, a random number generator (for sound noise as well as random numbers), and maskable interrupts. POKEY has four semi-independent audio channels, each with its own noise, frequency and volume control. Each 8-bit channel had its own audio control register which selected the noise content and volume. For higher sound resolution, two of the audio channels can be combined for more accurate sound.

The XL versions contained simplified circuitry to help cut down costs and space requirements. The XL versions were also engineered to comply with the new FCC regulations at the time. One particularly interesting feature, called the PBI (Parallel Bus Interface), allowed for unprecedented access to the computer hardware by an outside peripheral. The PBI is a 50-pin port which provides an unbuffered, direct connection to the system bus lines (address, data, control) running at the same speed as the 6502 CPU. Only the 600XL and 800XL computers had such an interface. The XE systems of the day (65 XE, 130 XE, 800 XE, XEGS) came with the Enhanced Cartridge Interface (ECI), instead.

If you don’t have the space or simply do not want the original hardware in your home, there are a few good Atari emulators out there. Atari800Win is an excellent hardware emulator for Microsoft Windows, and is my preferred choice for this platform. Another great emualtor is the open-source project called atari800. Due to the nature of this opensource initiative, it will probably become the leader in Atari 8-bit emulation unless something goes wrong, which is not uncommon for such projects. Obviously the more people who fiddle with the timings and compatibility, the more a project will progress toward the overall goal of 100% compatibility. Whichever version you choose, both have the source code available in case neither supports your favourite platform. One such platform could be the Gamepark handheld device. atari800 was ported to the device some time ago in 2003-2004, but the author has since dropped the project.

If software development is more to your liking, then you may appreciate programs such as CC65. CC65 is a cross-compiler/assembler suite for a variety of destination platforms such as Atari 8-bit and Commodore 64. This cross-compiler will create binary files that are compatible with the desired microprocessor. Compilers are usually complex tools at the best of times, but don’t let that stop you! If you don’t want to program in assembly language, then CC65 will let you write your software using the “C” programming language. “C” is considered a higher level language by many people, but these people obviously haven’t dealt with nested pre-processor macros before. For the more hardcore amoung you, there is always the option of using a native Atari assembler to write your software. You may even be able to use BASIC – don’t underestimate its power! I’ve written several programs using BASIC and the results never fail to impress… myself.


September 11, 2007

Atari BASICMy experience using BASIC is something I cannot easily put into words. I had never been exposed to programming before, so at first I had a hard time understanding the concept. I started out slowly, playing around with some simple commands which were described in various issues of ANTIC magazine.

Actually, my first experiments were much simpler, consisting of just a single command being given to the interpreter. I loved being able to control the color of my background or make a bunch of erratic and tuneless beeping sounds through our television speaker. For the first time, I was in control of the machine, even if all the machine did was squeak and change colors. I didn’t learn about how the interpreter used line numbers until my father picked up a copy of Atari BASIC by Albrecht, Finkel, and Brown. It was during my sessions with this book that I also learned about control flow statements, looping, data types, and loads of new commands. It still took me a while before I learned how to save my creations to disk, but it was too late to go back by then. The bait had already been taken, and it wasn’t long before my parent’s saw what was happening: I was hooked and I was going to need funding for my new hobby.

For the most part, I learned most of my Atari BASIC programming skills through my father’s subscription to ANTIC. This magazine was devoted to the Atari 400/800 series of computers which were popular in the early to mid-1980s. Another popular magazine at the time was A.N.A.L.O.G., but I didn’t have access to as many of them as I would have liked. I enjoyed the latter because it had much more diverse and complex programming examples and articles. When I got my hands on our first copy, I wasn’t even pausing to read most of the articles, I just brought it straight to the computer and began entering the source code in by hand. Sometimes the process took hours and my code was often marred by spelling mistakes and missing commands. I eventually learned these mistakes were called bugs by people in the software world. Tracing through these programs taught me a lot about programming and debugging. Mostly, it taught me to be careful while typing, and began to practice my typing skills using another software program designed for this purpose. To this day, however, I am mostly a 3:4 finger typist; three being the typical number of fingers I use for my left hand, and four being the perfect number for my right.

My father eventually purchased a dot-matrix printer for the system. It was a Star NX-1000 II, and I absolutely adored this printer. I quickly learned how to use it in BASIC and began printing reams upon reams of code. I enjoyed debugging and enhancing my programs using the printed form. It was an excellent way to get a handle on the whole problem, since the environment in the interpreter prevented you from seeing the whole picture easily. The font was just too large and the software did not have the ability to manually scroll the view. In fact, the concept of a window wouldn’t be realized on desktop computers until a few years later. In order to examine a block of code, you needed to continually LIST the sections in chunks or just dump the whole thing at once and wait for the area you were interested in to come into view. The continuously scrolling source code was slow enough you could track it with your eyes, and once you saw the region of code you wanted, pressing the break key would stop the process.

Another great feature of the Atari’s BASIC language was the ability to examine and modify specific bytes in memory. At the time, I don’t think I fully understood the concept of a memory address, at least not the way I understand it now. It was more abstract for me than other concepts. I knew that writing certain integer values into locations identified by other integer values allowed me to play music and control the colors of fonts and backgrounds, but I didn’t associate these number values to a physical address in the machine. In fact, I’m not sure I even truly understood what memory did, other than the typical high-level rationalization: if you buy more RAM it will allow your computer to play this game or use that piece of hardware. I generally understood memory to be a good thing. The more you had, the better off you were.

It wasn’t until I started programming the Commodore 64 (C64) with a friend of mine that I began to understand its function and organization. A big part of that understanding came from a device called the Super Snapshot cartridge which could plug into a port on the Commodore computer. This miraculous device had a number of cool features, and one of those features allowed the user to interrupt a game (or whatever) and examine/modify the contents of RAM and then return as if nothing had happened. Initially, we used this device to cheat on games by changing the number of lives, strength, loot, whatever. All we needed to do was isolate the byte responsible for tracking these attributes in memory, modify the contents of the variable at that address, and voila! We were invincible, we could crush any opponent, or we could buy any item. Life was good. I believe the manual for the Super Snapshot explained a number of details about memory and how it was organized. This served as a great stepping stone for my next foray into the world of Atari memory.

The next big advance for me came after reading the book: Mapping the Atari by Ian Chadwick. It explained what all of those numbers meant and how they were used by the Atari. I was enthralled and began to experiment with earnest. Incidently, the commands I was using to read and write values to and from memory were called PEEK and POKE respectively. Loads of fun can be had with these commands and that great little book. As it turns out, this book became even more useful while dabbling with assembly language years later on the Atari.

Atari 8-bit OS

September 10, 2007

Atari OS 2.5Atari DOS – This operating system was the first operating system I was exposed to during my youth, and the 2.x series was the most popular in my household. The operating system was loaded off of 5 1/4″ double-sided double-density diskettes which usually offered about 320 KBs of storage space after formatting, although other disk formats offered less or more storage depending on density. The operating system did little more than manage disk functions such as formatting diskettes or erasing and copying files, hence the full name “Disk Operating System.” It could, however, be used to boot strap the cartridge or run a binary program at an arbitrary address after it was loaded. The DOS was mostly used to access files and programs stored on floppy diskette. It provided a File Management System (FMS) which needed to remain in memory in order to provide disk access functionality to other programs.

Believe it or not, there are still hardware/software hobbyists and professionals creating products to use with your Atari. I have a software solution called A.P.E. which allows me to use my computer as a virtual disk drive, printer, modem, etc. It’s absolutely fantastic and accelerates software loading to a fraction of the time it took before. There are also products which allow you to connect a hard drive through the cartridge port, or even USB devices!

APE ScreenshotA.P.E. stands for Atari Peripheral Emulator and is an essential piece of software for any Atari user. Until a few years ago, I was forced to play my Atari games via an emulator or on the Real McCoy using the terribly slow, but wonderfully nostalgic floppy disk drive. I don’t think it’s necessary to mention how painful it was waiting for the disk operating system to load, and then waiting for the actual game to load, and then waiting for the game to save, and then waiting for the game to load the second disk… you get the idea. There was a lot of waiting, and somehow I mangaged to do it without batting an eye lash in 1984.

First and foremost, A.P.E.’s biggest strength comes in the form of its disk drive emulation software. In order to get it to work, you must own a working Atari computer. The author probably explains exactly which Atari computers are compatible somewhere on his website, but I can tell you for sure that the Atari 800 XL and Atari 400 computers work like a charm. Simply connect your Atari computer to your personal computer using a custom SIO interface cable. The cable can be purchased through the web site, or you can even make your own if you’re so inclined. Install the APE software on a computer, configure it, select a disk image, and boot up your Atari machine. Voila! The software you selected will boot in record time. Plus, your personal computer now acts as a virtual hard drive for your Atari! You can put away those floppy diskettes, all of your games and applications can be saved and archived as an “ATR” file, which A.P.E. can understand.