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Archive for the 'Programming' category

Game Development: Introduction

September 18, 2007

There are two sides to every coin. Game development can be hard or game development can be easy. These are relative terms, of course. Just because writing a game can be easy, doesn’t mean your grandmother could do it (although I wouldn’t hedge any bets, especially with mine). Personally, I think writing any finished application is an achievement for any programmer working alone. With the help of my colleagues, I have produced several applications which have made it onto store shelves, but I won’t take the credit since my part was just one piece to the puzzle. Of course, some applications cannot be programmed by just one person. Oh sure, one software developer could work for years or decades to achieve their goal, but who has the time and talent required to design and engineer something as complex as Metroid Prime, Photoshop, or the KDE Desktop on their own? It just doesn’t happen in the real world because life inevitably steps in and takes over.

However, all is not lost for the eager programmer setting out to create a game. It all boils down to following a few simple rules and having a few good resources available. For the next couple of weeks, we’ll look at some of the tricks of the trade and present a list of books which I have found very useful while exploring game development. So, without further procrastination, let’s dive right in to our first topic.

Game Design – The key difference between finishing a game and an unfinished hack is managing expectations. Yes, we would all love to design and build a game like Halo, but that’s not terribly likely and will almost certainly lead to failure. Instead, try and reduce the scope of the project by carefully choosing the characteristics of a game you wish to include. Care must be taken to use only those features which are absolutlely necessary. You should spell out how you want your game to work, what features need to be written, and any third party tools you plan to use which can save you time. In essence, you need to write a bit of documentation. Yes, I know, documentation is a bore and some of you may find it difficult. But you don’t need to write a best-selling novel, just outline what you want to do and how you want it to work.

By translating those exciting images and ideas you have into something concrete, you’ll be able to assess your goals and overall design much more easily. It also makes your game much easier to digest for other people. If you wanted to hire an artist, for example, you would need to describe the concept in fragmented conversations over the phone or via the Internet. It would make the job of the artist so much easier if you had the design for the game already completed. In fact, most artists (the smart ones anyway) won’t accept a contract without a working game design in place. Without this document, you would be unable to tell the artist which assets need to be produced now and what can wait until later. If you know all of the work which must be completed before the artist draws a single pixel, he/she will be able to commit to a schedule and a price.

Over the last few years, several good books have been written on designing (and managing) game development projects. However, these books tend to focus on many details which are only relevant or important to large scale projects. Naturally, there are excerpts which you will find useful, but don’t get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information. Generally, you don’t need to concern yourself with all of those details; the object of this lesson is to finish a fun game you want to create in your spare time. If followed some of those books to the letter, it would take ages to complete a project and you may find your interest in the project begin to drift after a year or two.

Project Management – When you are creating a game by yourself and for free, I don’t recommend setting a schedule. Schedules are for people and companies who must release the game in a timely manner because their economic futures depend on it. The bottom line for you and me, however, is that schedules aren’t very accomodating for new game developers and they aren’t very much fun when you’re ten weeks behind your target date. If you don’t need to release a game in six months, then why would you care that your line drawing algorithm is taking twice as long to craft as expected?

On the other hand, you could always use the project as a way to enhance your project management skills, which is admirable but you may find the accuracy of your estimates vary considerably. This is partly due to life, who once again chooses to interfere with your project. As a programmer at work, I can count on having at least five or six hours a day for solid work. At home, my free time will vary wildly. If you only consider the cost (in time units) and forget about dates, then you may find your estimates more useful. If you really insist on reading a book to brush up, then I recommed:

  • Joel Spolsky’s book entitled Joel on Software. It’s a compilation of articles for novice program and projects managers. It has a number of good practical tips which can benefit almost any software project, including projects done by the hobbyist.


September 11, 2007

Atari BASICMy experience using BASIC is something I cannot easily put into words. I had never been exposed to programming before, so at first I had a hard time understanding the concept. I started out slowly, playing around with some simple commands which were described in various issues of ANTIC magazine.

Actually, my first experiments were much simpler, consisting of just a single command being given to the interpreter. I loved being able to control the color of my background or make a bunch of erratic and tuneless beeping sounds through our television speaker. For the first time, I was in control of the machine, even if all the machine did was squeak and change colors. I didn’t learn about how the interpreter used line numbers until my father picked up a copy of Atari BASIC by Albrecht, Finkel, and Brown. It was during my sessions with this book that I also learned about control flow statements, looping, data types, and loads of new commands. It still took me a while before I learned how to save my creations to disk, but it was too late to go back by then. The bait had already been taken, and it wasn’t long before my parent’s saw what was happening: I was hooked and I was going to need funding for my new hobby.

For the most part, I learned most of my Atari BASIC programming skills through my father’s subscription to ANTIC. This magazine was devoted to the Atari 400/800 series of computers which were popular in the early to mid-1980s. Another popular magazine at the time was A.N.A.L.O.G., but I didn’t have access to as many of them as I would have liked. I enjoyed the latter because it had much more diverse and complex programming examples and articles. When I got my hands on our first copy, I wasn’t even pausing to read most of the articles, I just brought it straight to the computer and began entering the source code in by hand. Sometimes the process took hours and my code was often marred by spelling mistakes and missing commands. I eventually learned these mistakes were called bugs by people in the software world. Tracing through these programs taught me a lot about programming and debugging. Mostly, it taught me to be careful while typing, and began to practice my typing skills using another software program designed for this purpose. To this day, however, I am mostly a 3:4 finger typist; three being the typical number of fingers I use for my left hand, and four being the perfect number for my right.

My father eventually purchased a dot-matrix printer for the system. It was a Star NX-1000 II, and I absolutely adored this printer. I quickly learned how to use it in BASIC and began printing reams upon reams of code. I enjoyed debugging and enhancing my programs using the printed form. It was an excellent way to get a handle on the whole problem, since the environment in the interpreter prevented you from seeing the whole picture easily. The font was just too large and the software did not have the ability to manually scroll the view. In fact, the concept of a window wouldn’t be realized on desktop computers until a few years later. In order to examine a block of code, you needed to continually LIST the sections in chunks or just dump the whole thing at once and wait for the area you were interested in to come into view. The continuously scrolling source code was slow enough you could track it with your eyes, and once you saw the region of code you wanted, pressing the break key would stop the process.

Another great feature of the Atari’s BASIC language was the ability to examine and modify specific bytes in memory. At the time, I don’t think I fully understood the concept of a memory address, at least not the way I understand it now. It was more abstract for me than other concepts. I knew that writing certain integer values into locations identified by other integer values allowed me to play music and control the colors of fonts and backgrounds, but I didn’t associate these number values to a physical address in the machine. In fact, I’m not sure I even truly understood what memory did, other than the typical high-level rationalization: if you buy more RAM it will allow your computer to play this game or use that piece of hardware. I generally understood memory to be a good thing. The more you had, the better off you were.

It wasn’t until I started programming the Commodore 64 (C64) with a friend of mine that I began to understand its function and organization. A big part of that understanding came from a device called the Super Snapshot cartridge which could plug into a port on the Commodore computer. This miraculous device had a number of cool features, and one of those features allowed the user to interrupt a game (or whatever) and examine/modify the contents of RAM and then return as if nothing had happened. Initially, we used this device to cheat on games by changing the number of lives, strength, loot, whatever. All we needed to do was isolate the byte responsible for tracking these attributes in memory, modify the contents of the variable at that address, and voila! We were invincible, we could crush any opponent, or we could buy any item. Life was good. I believe the manual for the Super Snapshot explained a number of details about memory and how it was organized. This served as a great stepping stone for my next foray into the world of Atari memory.

The next big advance for me came after reading the book: Mapping the Atari by Ian Chadwick. It explained what all of those numbers meant and how they were used by the Atari. I was enthralled and began to experiment with earnest. Incidently, the commands I was using to read and write values to and from memory were called PEEK and POKE respectively. Loads of fun can be had with these commands and that great little book. As it turns out, this book became even more useful while dabbling with assembly language years later on the Atari.

Getting Dirty with DOS DOOM

July 15, 2007

The story behind the source code release goes something like this: In December of 1997, id Software released the source code for Doom to much fan fare and adulation. After only a few short weeks, web sites starting popping up and modified (or modded) versions started appear on bulletin board systems. Before the source code was even released, their were already tools available for modifying the existing graphics and levels, or for creating your own levels, on the Internet. These tools operated on the storage format for the game’s resources, which included maps, graphics, sound effects, etc. These resource files were called .WAD or .IWAD files. WAD does not stand for anything in particular, but you could choose to think of it like a wad of gum after eating a burrito. It contains all sort of unrelated bits in it, like green pepper and cheese, but together they form a chewy and cohesive whole. Yummy.

Modification to the actual game engine allows for much greater control over how the game operates. Despite this new found ability, many programmers or modders chose to leave the original code base intact, in order to give their users the freedom to play the older levels designed by the master’s at id Software. I believe this should be an important creed for any aspiring Doom hacker to follow, as it will allow your audience to experience the many thousands of levels available for immediate download. Just in case your levels fail to impress your core audience, such as Mother.

This project is intended to document what you need in order to build the DOSDoom (another port of Doom) source code on your machine. We chose to use DOSDoom, instead of the original code base, because the original requires a fair amount of modification to get it building with the available development tools and environments on an MS-DOS compatible machine. This brings me to my next point, you’re going to need a compatible DOS operating system installed somewhere in your house, if you want to compile this project; Windows 95 actually works quite well too as they are basically one and the same in many respects. As a trusty member of the classic gaming community, I trust this shouldn’t be a problem for those of you who are still reading.

DOSDoom brings a nice set of options to your exisiting Doom game. Features like mouse support, the “look” feature, CD audio, alpha blending, custom resolutions, and a whole lot more! Trust me, when you’re finished setting it up, you’ll think it’s almost like a new game.

Ok, first things first, you’re going to need the source code. It also helps to have a pre-built copy of DOSDoom on hand for comparison, and a chance to try it out just for fun. Personally, I love this version of Doom and will typically opt to play it over the original; unless we’re talking about the Playstation port, then we could be persuaded switch platforms for a while, or the Mac OS X port I wrote about a while ago. Of course, before either version will work, you need an original version of Doom. Please respect copyright laws and get yourself a legal copy; it’s not that expensive when you consider what you’re getting in return. Now would be a good time to unzip the pre-built copy of DOSDoom into your Doom game directory.

For those of you who weren’t born with a debugger in your bonnet, there’s a few pieces you need to have in place before you start unpacking the source code for DOSDoom. First, you need to understand the process by which program code gets transformed into something you can actually use. However, we’re not going to write yet another treatise on “How To Program In Such And Such A Language,” although for your reference, the core programming technologies used in this project are called C and Assembly Language. Learning to become a programmer is an iteresting but terribly long ordeal. I don’t recommend it unless you’re planning on making it a serious hobby or even a profession. Choose to play the game instead, you’ll probably be happier.

Since you’re still reading this article, I think it’s fair to assume that you’re mildly interested in the topics presented thus far, so let’s get a few terms under our belt before we begin. There is one general phase which must take place before you can use the source code provided and that phase is called compilation. A compiler is a tool used for translating source code which has been written in a high-level language, such as the C programming language, into a lower-level language more suitable for native execution within the hardware environment you are using. From a software development perspective, writing a good compiler is one of the most difficult and rewarding experiences a programmer could choose to undertake. However, simply using a compiler is usually no more difficult than learning any other moderately complex tool. Yes, there are usually a plethora of options and fancy doodads available for any aspiring geek, but many of them are rarely used and can be ignored most of the time. The compiler used for this project is part of a free development environment called DJGPP. DJGPP was primarily constructed by a man named DJ Delorie with plenty of help from the open source community. It contains numerous utilities, including a DOS port of the GNU GCC Compiler Collection.

Assembly Language, on the other hand, is much less abstract and tends to be a lot closer to a machine’s level of understanding. This source code does not need to be rigorously compiled and students of computer science will often write simple assemblers for course projects. Instead, Assembly is translated into machine language almost directly. Depending on the software used, “almost” can vary from assembler to assembler. DOSDoom’s source code contains only a couple of assembly language modules and can safely be ignored unless you’re planning on making low-level modifications to the game’s rendering engine. For this project, we’ll be using GCC’s assembler called GAS for all of our assembly needs. There is one item we wanted to mention when using GAS assembly code: it does not follow Intel’s coding conventions for instruction mnemonics, it uses the AT&T style instead. For a great book on coding for the Linux platform (which typically uses GCC as the default compiler/assembler toolkit), pick up a copy of Professional Assembly Language by Richard Blum (ISBN: 0-7645-7901-0).

Now that we’re all a little familiar with the basic process, here is the complete list of packages needed in order to compile DOSDoom:

Now what are these extra packages all about anyway, eh? They’re all required too, except for RHIDE which is a nifty Integrated Development Environment (IDE) very much like Borland’s early C/C++ IDE, and the DJ File Packer which is used to shrink the size of the resulting executable into something more manageable. The DPMI server is required by every 32-bit protected-mode application (in this case it’s DOSDoom) for DOS and gets launched automatically by the client application – just make sure it’s available via the PATH environment variable or in the applications home directory. The item listed only as Make is a set of tools used to easily build applications by managing their dependencies; although the syntax used to create Make files is anything but intuitive. Last, but certainly not least is the Allegro Game Library originally written by Shawn Hargreaves. Allegro is used to fill some of the gaps left by id Software when they released the source code for Doom. It’s a great library and can save you loads of time when you’re trying to write an application. All of these tools or libraries are relatively complex and deserve your attention if you want to make any useful contributions to this code base.

All but the last package, CSDPMI, must be unzipped into the same directory; CSDPMI goes into the Doom game directory instead. To help illustrate where everything goes, here’s a look at our build directory:


Once the packages have been decompressed, modify the DJGPP.BAT file to suit your own directory organization. For example, my batch file looks like this:

@echo off
set PATH=c:\source\dosdoom\djgpp\bin;%PATH%
set DJGPP=c:\source\dosdoom\djgpp\djgpp.env

Execute the batch file whenever you open a new console window (when using Windows 95), or after you’ve booted into DOS. Now, open the file under the Allegro directory and find a file named makefile. Remove the bit of text “-Werror” from the file using your favourite text editor. This is a compiler option which will halt the compilation process when a compiler warning is encountered; normally, it’s not a bad idea, but for the sake of simplicity we’ll remove it for now. The next step is to build the Allegro library by typing the command make.

Depending on the speed of your machine, the compilation process may take a while and you’ll see several messages displayed on screen. If you downloaded everything from this web site, you should experience no errors (provided you removed the compiler option mentioned above); although a few compiler warnings will make their appearance now and then. Once the Allegro library has been built, you should now enter your DOSDoom source code directory and type make again. This will build your DOSDoom executable file. You’ll need to copy this file (/obj/dosdoom.exe) into your Doom game folder (where the main executable file doom.exe is found) . Run the file dosdoom.exe and enjoy!

Remember: When making modifications to DOSDoom, please acknowledge all of the contributors who have made DOSDoom into what it is today. Without the tireless efforts from these people, you would have a lot of work on your plate before you even got started implementing your own vision of what you want Doom to be.

Exult v1.2 API Documentation

July 10, 2007

Since I couldn’t find any on their site, I’ve churned through the Exult engine using Doxygen to produce a usable set of API documentation. It’s a good reference to get a handle on their overall architecture in case you felt like diving a little more deeply.